Bo's Shoutout Zone

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Here's where I'll put a collection of people I find around the net who I think make cool stuff. You should check them out!


This guy's a buddy of mine and he's makin all kinds of things in planet coaster. He's pretty good at it and makes some really cool tracks. Arcane wizardly levels of planet coaster knowledge. They're relaxing chill vids that are good for killin some time. If you like coasters, give his channel a watch!

>> ImperatorZola's YouTube <<


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Do you like games? Do you like art and music and videos and all that shit? well of course you do.
Consider peeping out Wish Volo, muthafucka makes everything from tunes that bump, YTP's and even her very own games which i'd say are rather fun and worth giving a shot.

>> WISH-VOLO's Website <<


This guy has made a few mods for Cave Story which is amazing and awesome and the best game ever made.
He does art and the like, looks pretty clean.
The link above will take you to a page with those mods i mentioned earlier, go play them right now. Bitch.
He also makes pretty banger tunes, i'd recommend it. Very good for anyone who owns ears.

>> Aqua's Links n' Shit <<


pretty cool fella i'd say. makes some good tunes and is a hell of a lot smarter with that technology shit than i am. huge NIN fan. he takes some pretty swaggy photos from time to time. keep on the lookout for what comes in the future, it'll most likely be cool.

>> midtst0v's Website <<


Found this yutubber in a classic fps discord server. Makes some pretty funny YTPs and other videos. You should give em a watch if you have an interest in YTP's these days and are looking for something fresh to watch.

>> Beanybox's YouTube <<

idfk what this website's trying to say but it's pretty fun to explore and fuck around in. i heard about it in like middle school and just today decided to try and find it again. if you can tell what it's about then that's pretty neat. i hope it doesn't give your puter aids or anything.

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