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Sanitarium Caves Munitions Nopeming TCAAP

The Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant was a place where they made a bunch of .30 Caliber, .50 Caliber and .45 Auto cartridges way back in the day. Place was built during WWII and pretty much stopped doing anything after 1976 when vietnam had run it's course. It officially closed in 2005. This place is also responsible for the contaminated drinking water in New Brighton, so that's neat i suppose. The spot is pretty ran through but is still pretty cool. there's a collapsed roof in one of the areas that probably isn't super safe to be around so be careful i guess. there's a lot of area to walk around, even if most of the buildings are completely empty. There's these small buildings that are in the middle of huge walled in areas, almost like trenches if they were above ground. not sure what they were used for but they're cool to look at.

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