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School Concrete Plant Asylum Apartments Misc.

This place was closed down in about 2006 from what i gathered on the calendars. This place is fucking creepy. I'm a bit of a chicken shit but god is it quiet in here. you could hear a pin drop in about every room there. I damn near got lost on my way out, the building is giant with so many different rooms and hallways to go into. I covered very little ground overall and still saw a lot of stuff. All of the first floor windows are boarded up, so it's probably the creepiest part since it's entirely pitch black. once you get some natural light on the higher floors things get a bit easier to manage. gotta be careful in the hallways with windows, from the outside it's super easy to see people in there. If you try goin here, just be careful and keep track of where you're going. There were areas that looked much older than others and i didn't really stick around those spots. i've heard the place is haunted or sumn so if you believe in ghosts maybe dont come here

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